Cette radio digitale propose une programmation Soul, Disco, Funk avec une pléiade d’artistes comme ABBA, colonel abrams, ameega, amii stewart, android, anita ward, aretha franklin, ariola, aurra, baccara, bar-kays, barbara mason, barbara roy, bee gees, henri belolo, bend-x, bernard edwards, billy ocean, black ivory, don blackman, blondie, bobby o bombers, def bond, boney m, brand new heavies, brandi wells, brass construction, alicia bridges, brothers johnson, cameo, david campbell, carl carlton, carrie lucas, cerrone, chaka khan, change, chaz jankel, carol jiani, cheryl lynn, chic, clinton,commodores, andre cymone, d train, dan hartman, david bendeth, alex daye, dazz band, debbie jacobs, delegation, delite, deniece, david denna, deodato, dennis parker, devotion, diana ross, donna summer, double exposure, earth wind and fire, dennis Edwards, edwin starr, eighties, emotions, evelyn champagne king, fonda rae, fonkmasters, france joli, frantique, garry s gang, gibson brothers, giorgio moroder, gloria gaynor, cuba gooding, al green, billy griffin, groove, groovy, gwen guthrie, jean knight, gwen mccrae, herbie hancock, herley johnson jr, hi-nrg, high energy, alfonzo hunter, imagination, incognito, inner life, ipad, iphone, itunes, freddie Jackson, jacksons 5, jacques morali, jamiroquai, jimmy bo horne, jocelyn brown, joe bataan, howard Johnson, junior, k c and the sunshine band, karen young, kashif, kat mandu, katmandu, kc, kenny james, komiko, kool and the gang, kurtis blow, lakeside, leon haywood, leroy burgess, ben liebrand, lipps inc, madonna, mai tai, barry manilow, harvey mason, george mccrae, alex morgan, melba moore, mfsb, michael jackson, nick straker band, booker t newberry, nile rodgers, nokia, norma jean, les Nubians, odyssey, ottawan, gwen owens, paradise garage, cecil parker, parliament, patrick cowley, patrick hernandez, patrick juvet, dj pats, patti labelle, plush, pointer sisters, prelude, prince, roger troutman, rose royce, roy ayers, salsoul, saturday night fever, marvin schlachter, enois scroggins, seventies, sexy music, shalamar, sharon redd, sheila, shoutcast, silver convention, sister sledge, skyy, spencer jones, stacy lattisaw, candi staton, stevie wonder, amii stewart, sugarhill, sylvester, t-connection, thp, taana gardner, temper, thelma houston, lillo thomas, three degrees, tina charles, evelyn thomas, tk vanguard, toney lee, tramaine, tramps, troutman, true connection, village people, whispers, wild cherry, barry white…